Caitlin and Alan talk about the French language and political problems in dystopias. Fictional dystopias… mostly. Lockwood and Co get a new client and we learn about the new normal at 35 Portland Row. We try to figure out how Skull can talk in the sunlight, and why Mr Tufnell feels so slimy.
The Empty Grave: The Tomb
The Creeping Shadow: An Unexpected Visitor
Caitlin and Alan put on their Ghost CSI Monster INC suits and finish The Creeping Shadow! We wish Carlyle and Skull would happen, but we are grateful Lockwood and Co is back. We debate who the unexpected visitor is, ponder how old the protagonists of another Jonathan Stroud series are, and have a flashback to the Lockwood and Co TV show.
The Creeping Shadow: The Iron Chain Pt 2
The Creeping Shadow: The Iron Chain Pt 1
Caitlin and Alan pull off a heist. OK maybe we don’t exactly pull it off. And by heist we mean- do a podcast about a book. But we do manage to discuss how Kipps has been sworn into all the secrets, Lucy wants ghost experiments to stop, and Lockwood can’t be stopped. Confessions are made, spirit cloaks are worn, and portals are entered.
The Creeping Shadow: The Cursed Village Pt 2
The Creeping Shadow: The Cursed Village Pt 1
The Creeping Shadow: Lost and Found Pt 3
The Creeping Shadow: Lost and Found Pt 2
Caitlin and Alan find Portland Row has changed. Lucy’s room has George’s clothes everywhere, Lockwood wants Lucy to explore Jessica’s forbidden room, and the first Type Two we met is now named Abigail Ward. Errr actually no. No she is not. We also learn that being 40 is ancient and obviously it is good that Lockwood is opening up to Holly. Obviously.
The Creeping Shadow: Lost and Found Pt 1
Caitlin and Alan talk about mystery stories as Carlyle and Skull get very hardboiled. Grab a jacket potato and join the hunt for Skull’s kidnappers. We case the meeting place and get into a foot chase- well Lucy did because we don’t have the energy for all that. At least we get to return to 35 Portland Row.
The Creeping Shadow: The Ealing Cannibal Pt 2
Caitlin and Alan try to figure out why Penelope sent Quill Kipps on this case, why Lucy needs to be here, and if the Ealing Cannibal only had one victim. Take a tour of the house with us as we try to find the Source. Please not all the unique amenities like grease stained walls, human stew on the gas stove, and the human pool in the basement.
The Creeping Shadow: The Ealing Cannibal Pt 1
The Creeping Shadow: Two Heads Pt 2
The Creeping Shadow: Two Heads Pt 1
Caitlin and Alan look in a mirror to start reading The Creeping Shadow by Jonathan Stroud. We debate the nature of time, the mummification of severed heads (hey it’s an honest living!), and how infuriating the concept of demerits is. Lucy and Skull are in business for themselves, but life is hard without Lockwood and Co.
The Hollow Boy: A Face in the Dark
Caitlin and Alan meet the Hollow Boy and finish the third Lockwood and Co book! Light a candle, get a concussion, and worry if your crush is dead. Actually don’t worry. Come off it. You know they would die for you. Warning that at the end of the podcast, one of the hosts quits the show! (not really)