His Dark Materials 203 Theft

Caitlin, Francis, Anya, and Alan reflect on Theft and disagree about what’s great and what needed more work. But we all agree it has a wonderful moustache. Come fan the hammer with us as we learn about life in an observatory and the philosophy of pedagogy.


Bad Wolf makes ‘His Dark Materials’ and does not listen to our podcast. Probably.

SciPy is a thing.

Fanning the Hammer is a thing.

What is a MP 40?

I Ching Divination

Orientalism is a thing

Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paolo Freire introduced the concept of Critical Consciousness in Postmodern Philosophy.

The behind the scenes coverage for Season 2 has been great. We enjoyed “Welcome to Cittagazze” for how detailed the world-building (literally) was.

Our theme song is Clockwork Conundrum by NathanGunn

Follow us on Twitter: Anya @StrangelyLiterl Cailtlin @inferiorcaitlin Francis @franciswindram The Podcast @MoTPod

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