A Prayer for Mad Sweeney

Anya and Alan discuss Episode 7 of American Gods. We ship Ibis and Jaquel, miss Salim's prayer rug, and gush about the music. The many-layered stories don't stop in 'A Prayer for Mad Sweeney', our favorite episode yet!  


Mandi and Matthew host Pop Culturally Deprived and featured Anya in their discussion of 

'The Graduate'.

Mr. Ibis is the Egyptian god Djehuti, who is the god of truth, writing, and wisdom.

Karl Jaspers developed the theory of the Axial Age. The idea that religions made a switch from a transactional system to a moral-based system at a certain point in history.

Transportation was a Victorian Age punishment of the European powers to their colonies.  

Our Theme song is "Unstoppable Force" by  FortyTwoMusic with other musical contributions by Rich Holmes.

Follow us on Twitter @ShadowShambler and Anya @StrangelyLiterl

Shadows and Shamblers is a production of Hallowed Ground Media and is released under a Creative Commons NonCommercial Sharealike License.