Anya and Alan debate the role of race in Shadow's characterization, the proper name for a group of Jesuses, and if this finale did its job. Open a bag of jellybeans and listen to us discuss 'Come to Jesus'.
Anansi is the god of stories from West African folk lore.
The Temple of Bar'an is an ancient moon temple in Yemen
Venus Figures are some of the oldest human idols ever found and could be the origin of the Mother Earth archetype.
The source of the word 'cunt' is tied to reproduction.
Ostara is the goddess of the dawn.
The Innocence that is American Gods' Shadow Moon by Courtney Anderson for Black Girl Nerds.
Our Theme song is "Unstoppable Force" by FortyTwoMusic with other musical contributions by Rich Holmes.
Follow us on Twitter @ShadowShambler and Anya @StrangelyLiterl
Shadows and Shamblers is a production of Hallowed Ground Media and is released under a Creative Commons NonCommercial Sharealike License.